First we will learn how to make comments. This is important so when you go back to your code you will know what each code piece does


Iding is a way to give something a code a spefic code value. Think of it like giving it a nickname.


An IFrame aka an Inline Frame is an HTML document embedded inside another HTML document on a website. The IFrame HTML element is often used to insert content from another source, such as an advertisement, into a Web page.


Iframes fully.


And the final Challenge in this chapter.



  • DOCTYPES tell browsers which version of HTML you are using.
  • You can add comments to your code between the !-- and -- markers.
  • The id and class attributes allow you to identify particular elements.
  • The div and span elements allow you to group block-level and inline elements together.
  • iframes cut windows into your web pages through which other pages can be displayed.
  • The meta tag allows you to supply all kinds of information about your web page.
  • Escape characters are used to include special characters in your pages such as , , and ©.